Ensuring Common Sense Legislation for All Ohioans
Recognized as the "Gold Standard" in Election Administration, Ohio's process is regulated by laws established by the Ohio Legislature and the Ohio Secretary of State. The Ohio Association of Election Officials plays a pivotal role in advocating for sensible legislation that enhances the voting experience and ensures smooth implementation across Ohio's 88 County Boards of Elections.
Ohio's election process is shaped by laws enacted by the Ohio Legislature and signed by the Governor, along with directives from the Ohio Secretary of State. Once these laws or directives are in place, election officials across Ohio diligently implement fair, transparent, and accessible elections statewide.
When a bill is introduced in either chamber of the Ohio Legislature, the Ohio Association of Election Officials (OAEO) activates its review process, drawing on the expertise of individuals with decades of experience in the state's election field. Our organization collaborates with relevant legislators to suggest updates, show support, or express opposition to the bill.
Supporting a bill means that the majority of OAEO's Legislative Committee Members, along with two-thirds or more of the organization's trustees, endorse its contents and advocate for its passage in the Ohio Legislature for future enactment into law.
Opposing a bill does not imply a refusal to implement it if passed and signed into law; rather, it signifies that the majority of OAEO's Legislative Committee Members and two-thirds or more of the trustees oppose the bill's contents and recommend against its passage in the Ohio Legislature.